Grand Analogies of the Energy System
Conleigh, Farhad, Ahlmahz, and Paul start season six with a discussion of ways to understand the energy system and analogies that can be used to explore its complications
Conleigh Byers, Farhad Billimoria, Ahlmahz Negash, and Paul Dockery discuss various ways of understanding the energy system in the Season 6 Premiere of Public Power Underground. The episode starts with “Short-to-Ground,” a TL;DR segment where the hosts run through summaries of topical news from around the world and then have a short discussion of trends in the industry. Paul then introduces the ground rules for a season-spanning Energy System Analogies World Cup tournament. Lastly, the hosts discuss analogies for the energy system for consideration by future guests on Season 6.
You can find the podcast on Apple Podcast, Spotify, or wherever you get your podcasts. Share with friends that are energy enthusiasts, like us!
04:19 - Promotion for Conleigh’s upcoming presentation for the Harvard Kennedy School’s Energy Policy Seminar: “The Future of Resource Adequacy in a Decarbonized Grid" - March 25, 2024 - Register with the link
06:54 - Short-to-Ground; a segment where we blow a fuse covering the news.
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33:11 - The electric sector is like the human body
37:07 - The electric sector is like a water catchment and irrigation system
44:36 - The electric sector is like back country skiiing
49:44 - Electric utilities function like a P-I-D controller for the energy system
59:50 - The electric sector is like air
1:01:29 - The electric sector is like the Mumbai dabbawala tiffin service
1:06:10 - The electric sector is like a game of twister
1:09:07 - Ways of understanding the energy system are like moral theories for right action
Public Power Underground, for electric utility enthusiasts! Public Power Underground, it’s work to watch!
Enjoy your stuff, retired WECC trans operator hanging out in PJM area with my feet up.